Firewood Products
To order our products please call or email us

2 Row Cherry – 3 to 5 inches cut

Bagged Anthracite Coal


2 Row Hickory
3-5 Inches Cut

2 Row Seasoned Hickory
3-5 Inches Cut

2 Row Oak
2-3 Inches Cut

2 Row Oak
3-5 Inches Cut
Kiln Dried Oak

Kiln Dried Oak
3-5 Inches Cut

Kiln Dried Oak - 2 Row
3-5 Inches Cut

Kiln Dried Oak - Pizza Oven Wood
2-3 Inches Cut

2 Row Pecan
3-5 Inches Cut
Red Oak

2 Row Red oak
3-5 Inches Cut
White Bags
Oak, Post Oak, Hickory, Cherry, Pecan, Mesquite and Apple.

White Bagged Wood
@ fredstevensfirewood
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Expedited Delivery
2 - 3 work days
Mon-Fri 8am - 3pm for Residential and Commercial orders.
Tri-County Delivery
We deliver to Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
Family Owned Business
We are a family owned local Pompano Beach based business.