Firewood Products

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Bag of Lazzari Mesquite Charcoal
Jealous Devil Charcoal product image of bag sold by Fred Stevens Firewood
Harder Charcoal product image of bag sold by Fred Stevens Firewood


2 Row Cherry – 3 to 5 inches cut

Product image of Cherry wood three to five inch cut two row pallet fro
Product image of Cherry wood three to five inch cut two row pallet


Bagged Anthracite Coal

Product image of Anthracite Coal Single bag
Product image of Anthracite Coal pallet



Product image of Seasoned Hickory wood three to five inch cut two row pallet

2 Row Hickory

3-5 Inches Cut

Product image of Seasoned Hickory wood three to five inch cut pallet

2 Row Seasoned Hickory

3-5 Inches Cut



Product image of Oak Wood two to three inch cut pallet

2 Row Oak

2-3 Inches Cut

Product image of Oak wood in a 2 row pallet

2 Row Oak

3-5 Inches Cut

Kiln Dried Oak


Product image of Kiln Dried Oak Wood pallet

Kiln Dried Oak

3-5 Inches Cut

Product image of Kiln Dried Oak Wood 2 row pallet

Kiln Dried Oak - 2 Row

3-5 Inches Cut

Product image of Kiln Dried Pizza Oven Firewood pallet

Kiln Dried Oak - Pizza Oven Wood

2-3 Inches Cut



Product image of Pecan Wood 2 row pallet

2 Row Pecan

3-5 Inches Cut

Red Oak


Product image of Oak Wood 2 row pallet

2 Row Red oak

3-5 Inches Cut

White Bags


Oak, Post Oak, Hickory, Cherry, Pecan, Mesquite and Apple.

White Bagged Wood product image of bag sold by Fred Stevens Firewood

White Bagged Wood

@ fredstevensfirewood

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